Presentation Control Panel User Manual

Welcome to the holding area for the Presentation Control Panel user manual. Here you will find details of how to install PCP and also the full user manual as supplied with the add-in.

PCP is supplied as a ZIP file. This contains the following items:-

  • Setup.Exe – Once unzipped, double click this to begin installation
  • PresentationControlPanelSetup.Msi – Microsoft installer file containing the bulk of the setup files
  • Office2007PIARedist – This folder contains some interface elements that may be required for Office 2007

Before starting, please make sure PowerPoint is not running. Unzip the supplied file to a temporary directory, then double click ‘Setup.Exe’. The setup process should download any required elements and then install Presentation Control Panel.

On a machine with multiple users, you should install it for each user that will be using it as a limitation in certain versions of Office prevents them from loading add-ins that are installed for all users.

If all is well, when you start PowerPoint, you should have an extra tab on the menu… ‘Presentation Control Panel’.

Download User Manual
You can download the user manual for PCP below, although it is installed (in both single sided and double sided compatible versions) during the install process.

Presentation Control Panel User Manual – Software Ver. 1.1.2